Workshop at HKU on Media Law and Policy in Asia from 17 to 20 October 2016


The University of Hong Kong (HKU)’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre and the Centre for Comparative and Public Law will hold a 4-day workshop at HKU on Media Law and Policy in Asia (with emphasis on South East Asia) from Monday 17th to Thursday 20th October 2016.

Apply to be a Workshop Fellow by 19th September 2016
Limited places available!

Aim of the Workshop
To provide legal and practical training for media defence lawyers and journalists in Asia.

Simon Young, Professor and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law (HKU); Doreen Weisenhaus, Associate Professor and Director of the Media Law Project at JMSC (HKU); and Danny Gittings, Associate Professor and Senior Programme Director (HKU Space).

Key Milestones and Developments for Press Freedom in Asia; Legal Framework and International Law Protecting Freedom of Expression; Defamation; Court Reporting and Contempt of Court; Privacy and Data Protection; Access to Information; Online Speech/Digital Crimes; National Security and Sedition; Strategic Litigation; and Reform Initiatives in Media Law.


  • Peter Noorlander, Director of Legal Programmes at the Bertha Foundation and former Director of the Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI)
  • Nani Jansen Reventlow, Associate Tenant at Doughty Street Chambers, Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and former Legal Director of the MLDI
  • H R Dipendra, Lawyer (Malaysia) and media defense expert
  • Mark Parsons, Partner at Hogan Lovells, TMT expert
  • Louise Crawford, Foreign Legal Assistant at Hogan Lovells
  • Gayathry Venkiteswaran, PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and former Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Press Alliance
  • Danny Gittings, Associate Professor and Senior Programme Director in the College of Humanities and Law at HKU SPACE
  • Cliff Buddle, Special Projects Editor, South China Morning Post
    Gillian Phillips, Director of Editorial Legal Services, Guardian News & Media
  • Doreen Weisenhaus, Associate Professor and Director of the Media Law Project at JMSC (HKU)
  • Simon Young, Professor and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law (HKU)

Who should apply?
Lawyers who have a practice in media law litigation/are keen to develop such practice and journalists in the region. If your application is successful, you will become a “Workshop Fellow”. Course materials will be provided. If you are ordinarily resident in South East Asia (not Hong Kong), we will pay for your return airfare (economy) and 5 nights’ hotel accommodation.

Application guidelines
Please send to Robert Chan ( (1) your CV and (2) a letter stating your full name, working title(s), country (where you will be travelling from) and brief statement (max. 800 words) including reasons why the Workshop is relevant to your current work/activities and what you hope to achieve from the Workshop. If your application is successful, you will be contacted by HKU after the registration deadline (as stated above).