The HKU Media Law & Policy Workshop 2016

The University of Hong Kong (HKU)’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre and the Centre for Comparative and Public Law will hold a 4-day Workshop on Media Law and Policy in Asia (with emphasis on South East Asia) at HKU from Monday 17 to Thursday 20 October 2016.

The aim of the Workshop is to provide legal and practical training to media defence lawyers and journalists in Asia. It is further hoped that the Workshop will create a platform for the sharing of advice and resources to assist the work of media professionals in the region.

Who should apply?

Lawyers who have a practice in media law litigation/are keen to develop such practice and journalists in the region. If your application is successful, you will become a “Workshop Fellow”.

For those ordinarily resident in South East Asia (not Hong Kong), the Fellowship will include your return airfare (economy) and 5 nights’ hotel accommodation. Course materials will be provided. There will also be a welcome dinner for all Fellows. 


  • Key Milestones and Developments for Press Freedom in Asia
  • Legal Framework and International Law Protecting Freedom of Expression
  • Defamation
  • Court Reporting and Contempt of Court
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Access to Information
  • Online Speech/Digital Crimes
  • National Security and Sedition
  • Strategic Litigation
  • Reform Initiatives in Media Law