For our overseas participants, staying at the Best Western Hotel Harbour View (BW Hotel), 239 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong, please find the details of the location of the hotel/how to get there from Hong Kong International Airport by clicking on:

We would recommend that you take the “Airport Express” train at the airport, and stop at “Hong Kong” Station in Central. From there you may either take a taxi to the BW Hotel or you could try taking the MTR to “Sai Ying Pun” Station, Exit A1 and from there walk to BW Hotel, which is only a couple of minutes away.

A coach will be provided to take you from the BW Hotel to HKU (and from HKU to the BW Hotel) on each day of the Workshop. The coach schedule is as follows:

  • Day 1: Pick up from the BW Hotel at 9am (to take you to HKU); Pick up from HKU at 5pm (to take you to the BW Hotel); Pick up from the BW Hotel at 6:45pm (to take you to Hotel Jen for Dinner); and Pick up from Hotel Jen at 10pm (to take you to the BW Hotel).
  • Day 2: Pick up from the BW Hotel at 9am (to take you to HKU) and Pick up from HKU at 5pm (to take you to the BW Hotel).
  • Day 3: Pick up from the BW Hotel at 9am (to take you to HKU) and Pick up from HKU at 5pm (to take you to the BW Hotel).
  • Day 4: Pick up from the BW Hotel at 9am (to take you to HKU) and Pick up from HKU at 5pm (to take you to the BW Hotel).

Note: For pick up at the BW Hotel, please gather in the foyer of the hotel (there are sofas there!). Pick up from HKU will be at LG1 of Cheng Yu Tung Tower, i.e. the same building as the Workshop venue. Please arrive promptly (as the coach will not wait for you). HKU will have “helpers” on hand for the 1st 3 coach journeys on Day 1 to assist you.


For our local participants, who will be coming directly to HKU, Cheng Yu Tung Tower is located in the Centennial Campus. It may be easily reached by taking the MTR to “HKU” Station, Exit C1. No coach service will be provided.