Slides from the workshop

Session 1 – Legal Framework and International Law Protecting Freedom of Expression – Introduction – International Standards and their application in national courts (Nani Jansen Reventlow)

Session 2 – Legal Framework and International Law Protecting Freedom of Expression – Introduction – Applying the Three-Part Test (Nani Jansen Reventlow)

Session 3 – Key Milestones, Challenges and Developments for Press Freedom in Asia – Trends in media freedom in Asia (Gayathry Venkiteswaran)

Session 4 – Defamation – Defamation and Freedom of Expression (Nani Jansen Reventlow)

Session 5 – Defamation – Case study for mini-moot court on defamation (Nani Jansen Reventlow)

Session 6a – Contempt of Court and Court Reporting – Walking a tightrope_Court reporters and the law (Cliff Buddle)

Session 6b – Contempt of Court and Court Reporting – English Foolishness_When criticising the courts becomes a crime (Danny Gittings)

Session 7 – Contempt of Court and Court Reporting (Gayathry Venkiteswaran)

Session 8 – Privacy and Data Protection – in the context of journalism (Mark Parsons and Louise Crawford)

Session 9a – Access to Information – Freedom of Information_From paper right to hard reality (Peter Noorlander)

Session 9b – Access to Information – Protection of confidential sources (Doreen Weisenhaus)

Session 10 – Online Speech_Digital Crimes – Special Issues (HR Dipendra)

Session 11 – National Security and Sedition – Media and freedom of expression law (Peter Noorlander)

Session 12 – Strategic Litigation (Nani Jansen Reventlow)

Welcome Dinner talk (Gillian Phillips)